Mar 7, 2014

A Late Saturday afternoon Ride

This was our first ride of 2014 (Jan 4th) & since it was a very impromptu ride we needed to choose a place which is close by, basically a destination which is under 150 Km from our home. So we finalized to visit a place called Lepakshi. Lepakshi is locateed in Anantapur district, in Andhra Pradesh. I have heard of this place from one of the RE riding groups.
To our surprise we found that Lepakshi has the world's largest monolithic nandi, there is also a very old & famous temple dedicated to Veerabhadra. There are three shrines dedicated to Shiva, Vishnu and Virabhadra. An open-air Lingam (symbol of god Shiva) from Lepakshi sheltered by a naga, however we could visit only Veerabhadra temple as by the time we reached Nandi it was already 5. Since we were late we did get to see the sunset from the Veerabhadra.
Unlike other famous places there were not many tourist here which was a welcome relief also Unlike our last ride we ensured that we pick-up camera to ensure we capture moments from our ride & yes we did manage to capture some really moments.

The roads to the location are really good & since most of the journey is on Blr-Hyd highway there are ample place to re-fill both your self & the motorcycle.
Here are the details of the ride...
Destination     : Lepakshi
Total distance: 290 KM
Motorcycle    : Thunderbird 500 CC
Riders            : Me & KT
Things to remember: Do remember to carry your camera if you are a shutterbug also ensure that you leave early in the morning so that you see all the 3 temples & spend some good time there. If you visiting with friends or family then it is also a good spot to picnic.

To: Lepakshi
Total Distance: 145 KM
Time: 3.5 hr
Breaks: Took 4 short breaks
Route: IIM Bangalore -- > Lepakshi Via Mekri Circle, Hebbal, Blr-Hyd highway.
Road Condition:The roads are good all the way, however once you take the left to Lepakshi the road do become narrow though the condition of the roads are decent.

From: Lepakshi
Total Distance: 145 KM
Time: 3hr 45 Min
Break: Multiple breaks
Route: Lepakshi --> IIM Bangalore Via Blr-Hyd highway, Hebbal, Mekri Circle.
Road Condition: Good.

It was a very enjoyable ride & hopefully we will plan better when we visit the place again.
Here are the picture of the ride & the location

Created with flickr slideshow.

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